My Favorite Movies in Context: Sigourney Weaver

My Favorite Movies in Context

Sigourney Weaver

Sigourney Weaver portrait

(Academy Award Nominee)

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(1979) Alien science fiction, alien
(1984) Ghostbusters science fiction, comedy
(1986) Aliens(sequel) (Oscar Nomination)
(1988) Gorillas in the Mist (Oscar Nomination)
(1988) Working Girl (Oscar Nomination)
(1989) Ghostbusters II(sequel) science fiction, comedy
(1992) Alien 3(sequel) science fiction, alien
(1993) Dave political comedy, romantic comedy
(1997) Alien: Resurrection(sequel) science fiction, alien
(1999) Galaxy Quest parody: Star Trek
(2004) The Village horror
(2008) Vantage Point murder mystery, psychological thriller
(2011) The Cabin in the Woods tribute to classic horror movies