mammals glossary


Mammals: Glossary

  1. aardvark
  2. aardwolf
  3. abyssinian
  4. acouchy
  5. adapiform
  6. addax
  7. affenpinscher
  8. afghan hound
  9. african bush elephant
  10. african forest elephant
  11. african pouched rat
  12. african spiny mouse
  13. african wild dog
  14. african wildcat
  15. agouti
  16. airedale terrier
  17. akita
  18. alaskan malamute
  19. albino
  20. alpaca
  21. ambondro
  22. american quarter horse
  23. american saddlebred horse
  24. american spiny rat
  25. american staffordshire terrier
  26. american water spaniel
  27. pony of the americas
  28. amphitherium
  29. angora goat
  30. angus
  31. anomalure
  32. anteater
  33. antelope
  34. aoudad
  35. ape
  36. appaloosa
  37. arabian horse
  38. arctic fox
  39. ardipithecus
  40. argali
  41. armadillo
  42. arsinoitherium
  43. artiodactyl
  44. asian tree mouse
  45. asiatic black bear
  46. ass
  47. asselar man
  48. aurochs
  49. australian cattle dog
  50. australian shepherd
  51. australian terrier
  52. australopithecus
  53. australopithecus sediba
  54. avahi
  55. aye-aye
  56. ayrshire
  57. babirusa
  58. baboon
  59. bactrian camel
  60. badger
  61. baleen whale
  62. bamboo rat
  63. bandicoot
  64. bandicoot rat
  65. banteng
  66. barasingha
  67. barb
  68. barbary macaque
  69. barbastelle
  70. barylambda
  71. basenji
  72. basilosaurid
  73. basilosaurus
  74. basset hound
  75. bat
  76. bat-eared fox
  77. batodonoides
  78. beagle
  79. beaked whale
  80. bear
  81. bearded collie
  82. bearded seal
  83. beaver
  84. bedlington terrier
  85. beisa
  86. belgian horse
  87. belgian malinois
  88. belgian sheepdog
  89. beluga
  90. bengal tiger
  91. berkshire
  92. bernese mountain dog
  93. bichon frise
  94. bighorn sheep
  95. bilby
  96. binturong
  97. birch mouse
  98. bison
  99. black bear
  100. black panther
  101. black rhinoceros
  102. black-tailed deer
  103. blackbuck
  104. blesbok
  105. blesmol
  106. blind mole rat
  107. bloodhound
  108. blue sheep
  109. blue whale
  110. boar
  111. bobcat
  112. boer
  113. bongo
  114. bonnet monkey
  115. bonobo
  116. border collie
  117. border terrier
  118. borhyaenidae
  119. borzoi
  120. boskop skull
  121. boston terrier
  122. bottlenose dolphin
  123. bottlenose whale
  124. bouvier des flandres
  125. bovid
  126. boxer
  127. brahman
  128. briard
  129. brittany
  130. brocket
  131. brontothere
  132. brown bat
  133. brown bear
  134. brown four-eyed opossum
  135. brown rat
  136. brown swiss
  137. brussels griffon
  138. bull
  139. bull terrier
  140. bulldog
  141. bulldog bat
  142. burmese
  143. bush baby
  144. bush dog
  145. bush pig
  146. bushbuck
  147. cacomistle
  148. cairn terrier
  149. calico cat
  150. camel
  151. camelops
  152. canaan dog
  153. cane corso
  154. cane rat
  155. canine
  156. cape buffalo
  157. capuchin monkey
  158. capybara
  159. caracal
  160. carnivore
  161. cashmere goat
  162. castorocauda
  163. castoroides
  164. cat
  165. cattle
  166. cavalier king charles spaniel
  167. cave bear
  168. cavy
  169. cayuse
  170. cetacean
  171. chacma
  172. chalicotherium
  173. chamois
  174. chancelade skeleton
  175. charolais
  176. cheetah
  177. chesapeake bay retriever
  178. cheviot
  179. chevrotain
  180. chihuahua dog
  181. chimpanzee
  182. chinchilla
  183. chinchilla rat
  184. chinese crested
  185. chinese shar-pei
  186. chinese water deer
  187. chipmunk
  188. chiru
  189. chital
  190. chow chow
  191. civet
  192. cleveland bay
  193. cloud rat
  194. clouded leopard
  195. clumber spaniel
  196. clydesdale
  197. coati
  198. cocker spaniel
  199. collie
  200. colobus
  201. condylarthra
  202. connemara
  203. coonhound
  204. coryphodon
  205. cotton rat
  206. cottontail
  207. cow
  208. coydog
  209. coyote
  210. crab-eating fox
  211. crabeater seal
  212. creodonta
  213. crest-tailed marsupial rat
  214. crested black macaque
  215. criollo
  216. cro-magnon
  217. curly-coated retriever
  218. cuscus
  219. cutting horse
  220. dachshund
  221. dall sheep
  222. dalmatian
  223. dandie dinmont terrier
  224. dartmoor
  225. dassie rat
  226. dasyurid
  227. debrazza’s monkey
  228. deer
  229. deer mouse
  230. degu
  231. deltatheridium
  232. denisovan
  233. desert dormouse
  234. desman
  235. dhole
  236. diana monkey
  237. dibatag
  238. dik-dik
  239. dingo
  240. dinohyus
  241. diprotodon
  242. dire wolf
  243. disk-winged bat
  244. doberman pinscher
  245. docodon
  246. dog
  247. dogo argentino
  248. dolphin
  249. domestic shorthair
  250. donkey
  251. dormouse
  252. douc
  253. drill
  254. dromedary
  255. dryopithecus
  256. dugong
  257. duiker
  258. duroc
  259. durukuli
  260. echidna
  261. egg tooth
  262. ehringsdorf remains
  263. eland
  264. elephant
  265. elephant seal
  266. elephant shrew
  267. elk
  268. enaliarctos
  269. english setter
  270. english toy spaniel
  271. entelodont
  272. eohippus
  273. equine
  274. ermine
  275. eskimo dog
  276. fallow deer
  277. false vampire bat
  278. feathertail
  279. feline
  280. fennec
  281. ferret
  282. fin whale
  283. finnish spitz
  284. fisher
  285. fishing cat
  286. flat-coated retriever
  287. flat-headed cat
  288. florida panther
  289. flying fox
  290. flying lemur
  291. flying squirrel
  292. fossa
  293. four-eyed opossum
  294. fox
  295. fox terrier
  296. foxhound
  297. free-tailed bat
  298. french bulldog
  299. fringe-lipped bat
  300. frosted bat
  301. fruit bat
  302. fur seal
  303. ganlea megacanina
  304. gaur
  305. gayal
  306. gazelle
  307. gelada
  308. gemsbok
  309. genet
  310. geoffroy’s cat
  311. gerbil
  312. gerenuk
  313. german shepherd
  314. german wirehaired pointer
  315. ghost bat
  316. giant panda
  317. gibbon
  318. gigantopithecus
  319. giraffe
  320. glider
  321. glyptodon
  322. gnu
  323. goat
  324. goat antelope
  325. golden cat
  326. golden hamster
  327. golden lion marmoset
  328. golden mole
  329. golden retriever dog
  330. gomphothere
  331. goral
  332. gordon setter
  333. gorilla
  334. grampus
  335. grasshopper mouse
  336. gray fox
  337. gray seal
  338. gray whale
  339. gray wolf
  340. great dane
  341. great pyrenees
  342. greyhound
  343. grison
  344. grivet
  345. grizzly bear
  346. ground squirrel
  347. groundhog
  348. guanaco
  349. guenon
  350. guereza
  351. guernsey
  352. guide dog
  353. guinea pig
  354. gundi
  355. gymnure
  356. hackney
  357. hackney pony
  358. hamadryas
  359. hampshire sheep
  360. hampshire pig
  361. hamster
  362. harbour seal
  363. hare
  364. harp seal
  365. hartebeest
  366. harvest mouse
  367. hedgehog
  368. heidelberg jaw
  369. heifer
  370. herding dog
  371. hereford
  372. himalayan
  373. hippopotamus
  374. hipposideridae
  375. hoary bat
  376. hog
  377. holstein-friesian
  378. hominidae
  379. hominin
  380. homo
  381. homo erectus
  382. homo floresiensis
  383. homo habilis
  384. homo heidelbergensis
  385. homo naledi
  386. homo sapiens
  387. homo sapiens sapiens
  388. hooded seal
  389. horse
  390. horseshoe bat
  391. hound
  392. house mouse
  393. howler monkey
  394. humpback whale
  395. hutia
  396. hyaenodon
  397. hyena
  398. hyrax
  399. ibex
  400. impala
  401. incubation
  402. indian rhinoceros
  403. indri
  404. indricotherium
  405. indridae
  406. insectivore
  407. irish elk
  408. irish setter
  409. irish terrier
  410. irish water spaniel
  411. irish wolfhound
  412. jack russell terrier
  413. jackal
  414. jackrabbit
  415. jaguar
  416. jaguarundi
  417. jamaican fruit bat
  418. japanese spaniel
  419. java man
  420. javan rhinoceros
  421. jerboa
  422. jersey
  423. jumping mouse
  424. kanchil
  425. kangaroo
  426. kangaroo mouse
  427. kangaroo rat
  428. karakul
  429. keeshond
  430. kerry blue terrier
  431. Key deer
  432. kiang
  433. killer whale
  434. kinkajou
  435. kipunji
  436. klipspringer
  437. knockout mouse
  438. koala
  439. kob
  440. kobus
  441. kodiak bear
  442. kolinsky
  443. komondor
  444. kouprey
  445. krapina remains
  446. kudu
  447. kuvasz
  448. labrador retriever
  449. lagomorph
  450. lakeland terrier
  451. lamancha
  452. lamb
  453. langur
  454. lantian man
  455. large mouse-eared bat
  456. laughing hyena
  457. leaf-nosed bat
  458. lechwe
  459. lemming
  460. lemur
  461. leopard
  462. leopard cat
  463. leopard seal
  464. lhasa apso
  465. liger
  466. linsang
  467. lion
  468. lipizzaner
  469. litoptern
  470. llama
  471. llanocetus denticrenatus
  472. long-eared bat
  473. longhair
  474. loris
  475. lucy
  476. lynx
  477. maba cranium
  478. macaque
  479. maine coon cat
  480. maltese
  481. mammal
  482. mammalogy
  483. mammoth
  484. manatee
  485. manchester terrier
  486. mandrill
  487. maned rat
  488. maned wolf
  489. mangabey
  490. manx
  491. mara
  492. marbled cat
  493. margay
  494. markhor
  495. marmoset
  496. marmot
  497. marsupial
  498. marsupial mole
  499. marsupial mouse
  500. marsupium
  501. marten
  502. mastiff
  503. mastiff bat
  504. mastodon
  505. meadow vole
  506. meerkat
  507. megatherium
  508. merino
  509. merychippus
  510. mesohippus
  511. mexican hairless
  512. miacis
  513. miner’s cat
  514. miniature pinscher
  515. mink
  516. miohippus
  517. missouri fox-trotting horse
  518. moeritherium
  519. mole
  520. mona monkey
  521. mongoose
  522. monito del monte
  523. monk seal
  524. monkey
  525. monotreme
  526. moonrat
  527. moose
  528. morgan
  529. morganucodon
  530. moropus
  531. mouflon
  532. mountain beaver
  533. mountain goat
  534. mouse
  535. mouse opossum
  536. mule
  537. mule deer
  538. multituberculate
  539. muntjac
  540. muridae
  541. murray grey
  542. musk deer
  543. musk ox
  544. muskrat
  545. mustelid
  546. mylodon
  547. naked mole rat
  548. narwhal
  549. native cat
  550. neanderthal
  551. new zealand short-tailed bat
  552. newfoundland
  553. nilgai
  554. noctule
  555. northern white rhinoceros
  556. norwegian elkhound
  557. norwich terrier
  558. notharctus
  559. notoungulate
  560. nova scotia duck tolling retriever
  561. nubian
  562. numbat
  563. nutria
  564. nyala
  565. oberhasli
  566. ocelot
  567. okapi
  568. old english sheepdog
  569. old world fruit bat
  570. olingo
  571. onager
  572. opossum
  573. orangutan
  574. oreodont
  575. oreopithecus
  576. oribi
  577. oryx
  578. otter
  579. otter shrew
  580. otterhound
  581. oviparity
  582. owl-faced monkey
  583. ox
  584. paca
  585. pacarana
  586. pakicetus
  587. pallas’s cat
  588. palomino
  589. pampas cat
  590. pangolin
  591. panther
  592. papillon
  593. patagonian opossum
  594. patas monkey
  595. peccary
  596. peking man
  597. pekingese
  598. peninj mandible
  599. percheron
  600. pere david’s deer
  601. perissodactyl
  602. persian deer
  603. phalanger
  604. phenacodus
  605. phoberomys
  606. phyllostomidae
  607. pichi
  608. pichiciago
  609. pig
  610. pika
  611. pilot whale
  612. pinniped
  613. pinto
  614. pipistrelle
  615. pit bull
  616. pithecanthropus
  617. placental mammal
  618. platypus
  619. pliohippus
  620. pocket gopher
  621. pocket mouse
  622. pointer
  623. poland china
  624. polar bear
  625. polecat
  626. pomeranian
  627. pony
  628. poodle
  629. porcupine
  630. porpoise
  631. potto
  632. prairie dog
  633. primate
  634. proboscidean
  635. proboscis monkey
  636. procyonid
  637. pronghorn
  638. przewalski’s horse
  639. ptilodus
  640. pug
  641. puku
  642. puli
  643. puma
  644. quagga
  645. quokka
  646. rabbit
  647. raccoon
  648. raccoon dog
  649. ramapithecus
  650. rambouillet
  651. rasse
  652. rat
  653. rat kangaroo
  654. rat opossum
  655. ratel
  656. red bat
  657. red deer
  658. red flyer
  659. red fox
  660. red panda
  661. red river hog
  662. reedbuck
  663. reindeer
  664. retriever
  665. rex cat
  666. rhesus monkey
  667. rhinoceros
  668. rhodesian ridgeback
  669. ribbon seal
  670. rice rat
  671. right whale
  672. ringed seal
  673. river dolphin
  674. roan antelope
  675. rodent
  676. roe deer
  677. rorqual
  678. ross seal
  679. rottweiler
  680. royal antelope
  681. ruminant
  682. russian blue
  683. saanen
  684. sable
  685. sable antelope
  686. sabre-toothed cat
  687. saccopastore skulls
  688. saiga
  689. saint bernard
  690. saki
  691. saluki
  692. sambar
  693. samoyed
  694. sand rat
  695. santa gertrudis
  696. saro
  697. schipperke
  698. schnauzer
  699. scottish deerhound
  700. scottish fold cat
  701. scottish terrier
  702. sea cow
  703. sea lion
  704. sea otter
  705. seal
  706. sealyham terrier
  707. sei whale
  708. seladang
  709. serotine
  710. serow
  711. serval
  712. setter
  713. sheath-tailed bat
  714. sheep
  715. sheepdog
  716. shetland pony
  717. shetland sheepdog
  718. shiba inu
  719. shih tzu
  720. shire
  721. short-tailed opossum
  722. short-tailed shrew
  723. shorthorn
  724. shrew
  725. shrew rat
  726. shropshire
  727. siamang
  728. siamese
  729. siberian husky
  730. siberian tiger
  731. sifaka
  732. sika
  733. silky terrier
  734. silver fox
  735. simakobu
  736. simocetus
  737. sinanthropus
  738. sirenian
  739. sitatunga
  740. sivapithecus
  741. skunk
  742. skye terrier
  743. sled dog
  744. slit-faced bat
  745. sloth
  746. sloth bear
  747. smilodon
  748. smoky bat
  749. snow leopard
  750. snow sheep
  751. snowshoe hare
  752. snub-nosed monkey
  753. soft-coated wheaten terrier
  754. solenodon
  755. solo man
  756. south american fox
  757. southdown
  758. southern white rhinoceros
  759. spalacotherium
  760. spaniel
  761. spectacled bear
  762. sperm whale
  763. sphynx cat
  764. spider monkey
  765. spitz
  766. spring hare
  767. springbok
  768. springer spaniel
  769. squirrel
  770. squirrel monkey
  771. staffordshire bull terrier
  772. standardbred
  773. steer
  774. steinheim skull
  775. suffolk sheep
  776. suffolk horse
  777. suid
  778. sumatran rhinoceros
  779. sun bear
  780. suslik
  781. sussex spaniel
  782. swamp monkey
  783. tabby
  784. taeniodont
  785. tahr
  786. takin
  787. talapoin
  788. tamarau
  789. tamarin
  790. tapir
  791. tarpan
  792. tarsier
  793. tasmanian devil
  794. tayra
  795. teacup dog
  796. teledu
  797. tennessee walking horse
  798. tenrec
  799. terrier
  800. thick-tailed opossum
  801. thoroughbred
  802. thylacine
  803. thylacosmilus
  804. tibetan terrier
  805. tiger
  806. tigon
  807. titanothere
  808. titi
  809. toggenburg
  810. toothed whale
  811. topi
  812. toxodon
  813. toy dog
  814. tree shrew
  815. triconodon
  816. tuco-tuco
  817. turkish angora cat
  818. turkish van cat
  819. tylopod
  820. uakari
  821. uintatherium
  822. ungulate
  823. urial
  824. vampire bat
  825. vervet
  826. vesper bat
  827. vicuna
  828. virginia opossum
  829. viscacha
  830. viverrid
  831. vizsla
  832. vole
  833. wallaby
  834. wallaroo
  835. walrus
  836. warthog
  837. water buffalo
  838. water opossum
  839. water rat
  840. water shrew
  841. waterbuck
  842. weasel
  843. weddell seal
  844. weimaraner
  845. welsh corgi
  846. welsh pony
  847. welsh terrier
  848. west highland white terrier
  849. whale
  850. whippet
  851. white tiger
  852. white-handed gibbon
  853. white-tailed deer
  854. white-toothed shrew
  855. wildcat
  856. wolf
  857. wolverine
  858. wombat
  859. wood mouse
  860. woodland vole
  861. woodrat
  862. woolly mammoth
  863. woolly monkey
  864. woolly opossum
  865. woolly rhinoceros
  866. woolly spider monkey
  867. working dog
  868. xenarthran
  869. yak
  870. yorkshire
  871. yorkshire terrier dog
  872. zebra
  873. zokor
  874. zorille