mathematics glossary

Mathematics: Glossary

Mathematics: Glossary

  1. aleph-null
  2. algebra
  3. algebraic equation
  4. algebraic geometry
  5. algebraic number
  6. algebraic surface
  7. algebraic topology
  8. algorithm
  9. analysis of algorithms
  10. amicable numbers
  11. analysis
  12. analysis
  13. analytic geometry
  14. anova
  15. argand diagram
  16. arithmetic
  17. arithmetic function
  18. associative law
  19. asymptote
  20. automata theory
  21. automorphism
  22. axiom
  23. axiom of choice
  24. bartlett’s test
  25. base
  26. bayes’s theorem
  27. bayesian analysis
  28. beal’s conjecture
  29. bessel function
  30. binary number system
  31. binomial coefficients
  32. binomial distribution
  33. binomial theorem
  34. birch and swinnerton-dyer conjecture
  35. boolean algebra
  36. boundary value
  37. brachistochrone
  38. brouwer’s fixed point theorem
  39. burnside problem
  40. calculus
  41. calculus of variations
  42. cantor’s theorem
  43. cartesian coordinates
  44. catastrophe theory
  45. catenary
  46. cauchy distribution
  47. central limit theorem
  48. centroid
  49. ceva’s theorem
  50. chain rule
  51. chaos theory
  52. chebyshev’s inequality
  53. chi-squared test
  54. chinese remainder theorem
  55. church’s thesis
  56. circle
  57. clairaut’s equation
  58. cliometrics
  59. cluster analysis
  60. coefficient of determination
  61. collinearity
  62. color wheel
  63. combinatorics
  64. commutative law
  65. compactness
  66. complex number
  67. complex variable
  68. computational complexity
  69. conditional probability
  70. cone
  71. confidence interval
  72. conformal map
  73. congruence
  74. conic section
  75. connectedness
  76. connective
  77. constant
  78. continued fraction
  79. continuity
  80. continuum hypothesis
  81. control theory
  82. convergence
  83. coordinate system
  84. correlation
  85. cosecant
  86. cosine
  87. cotangent
  88. covariance
  89. cramer’s rule
  90. cross product
  91. cross ratio
  92. cryptarithm
  93. cryptography
  94. cryptology
  95. cube
  96. curvature
  97. curve
  98. cybernetics
  99. cycloid
  100. cylinder
  101. darboux’s theorem
  102. decimal system
  103. decision theory
  104. dedekind cut
  105. derivative
  106. desargues’s theorem
  107. descartes’s rule of signs
  108. determinant
  109. difference engine
  110. difference equation
  111. differential
  112. differential calculus
  113. differential equation
  114. differential geometry
  115. differential operator
  116. differentiation
  117. differentiator
  118. dimension
  119. diophantine equation
  120. direction field
  121. dirichlet problem
  122. dirichlet’s test
  123. dirichlet’s theorem
  124. discriminant
  125. distance formula
  126. distribution function
  127. distributive law
  128. divergence
  129. duality
  130. e
  131. eigenvalue
  132. elementary algebra
  133. elements
  134. ellipse
  135. ellipsoid
  136. elliptic equation
  137. envelope
  138. equation
  139. error
  140. estimation
  141. euclidean algorithm
  142. euclidean distance
  143. euclidean geometry
  144. euclidean space
  145. euler characteristic
  146. euler’s formula
  147. exact equation
  148. method of exhaustion
  149. expected utility
  150. expected value
  151. experimental unit
  152. exponential function
  153. extremum
  154. factor
  155. factorial
  156. fermat prime
  157. fermat’s theorem
  158. fibonacci sequence
  159. fixed-point theorem
  160. fluxion
  161. formalism
  162. foundations of mathematics
  163. four-colour map problem
  164. fourier series
  165. fourier transform
  166. fractal
  167. fraction
  168. degree of freedom
  169. function
  170. functional analysis
  171. fundamental theorem of algebra
  172. fundamental theorem of arithmetic
  173. fundamental theorem of calculus
  174. game theory
  175. gamma distribution
  176. gamma function
  177. gauss elimination
  178. geometric distribution
  179. geometric series
  180. geometry
  181. goldbach conjecture
  182. golden ratio
  183. gradient
  184. graph
  185. graph theory
  186. group
  187. group theory
  188. hamiltonian function
  189. harmonic analysis
  190. harmonic construction
  191. harmonic function
  192. harmonic sequence
  193. hausdorff space
  194. heron’s formula
  195. hexagon
  196. hilbert space
  197. hindu-arabic numerals
  198. histogram
  199. hodge conjecture
  200. homeomorphism
  201. homology
  202. homomorphism
  203. homotopy
  204. hyperbola
  205. hyperbolic functions
  206. hyperbolic geometry
  207. hyperboloid
  208. hypergeometric distribution
  209. hypothesis testing
  210. ideal
  211. imaginary number
  212. incentive compatibility
  213. incompleteness theorem
  214. indifference
  215. inequality
  216. inference
  217. infinite series
  218. infinitesimal
  219. infinity
  220. information theory
  221. injection
  222. inner product space
  223. integer
  224. integral
  225. integral calculus
  226. integral equation
  227. integral transform
  228. integraph
  229. integration
  230. integrator
  231. interpolation
  232. interval estimation
  233. intuitionism
  234. inverse function
  235. invertible matrix
  236. involute
  237. irrational number
  238. Islamic Contributions
  239. Islamic World, 8th-15th Century
  240. isomorphism
  241. isoperimetric problem
  242. jordan curve theorem
  243. kernel
  244. klein bottle
  245. knot theory
  246. kurtosis
  247. l’hôpital’s rule
  248. lagrange’s four-square theorem
  249. lagrangian function
  250. laplace transform
  251. laplace’s equation
  252. large numbers
  253. law of cosines
  254. law of large numbers
  255. law of sines
  256. least squares method
  257. lebesgue integral
  258. length of a curve
  259. length, area, and volume
  260. likelihood
  261. limit
  262. line
  263. line integral
  264. linear algebra
  265. linear approximation
  266. linear equation
  267. linear programming
  268. linear regression
  269. linear transformation
  270. liouville number
  271. lissajous figure
  272. logarithm
  273. logicism
  274. logistic regression
  275. magic square
  276. manifold
  277. mapping
  278. markov process
  279. mathematical induction
  280. mathematical model
  281. mathematical physics
  282. mathematical platonism
  283. mathematical programming
  284. mathematics
  285. matrix
  286. maximum
  287. mean
  288. mean squared error
  289. mean-value theorem
  290. mean, median, and mode
  291. measure
  292. measure of association
  293. measurement scale
  294. metric space
  295. millennium problem
  296. minimum
  297. möbius strip
  298. modern algebra
  299. modular arithmetic
  300. monte carlo method
  301. moore’s law
  302. multinomial distribution
  303. multinomial theorem
  304. multiple integral
  305. nash equilibrium
  306. natural logarithm
  307. natural number
  308. navier-stokes equation
  309. neumann-bernays-godel axioms
  310. newton and infinite series
  311. nomogram
  312. non-euclidean geometry
  313. nonlinear programming
  314. normal distribution
  315. np-complete problem
  316. number
  317. number theory
  318. numeral system
  319. numerals and numeral systems
  320. numerical analysis
  321. operator
  322. optimization
  323. ordinary differential equation
  324. orthogonal trajectory
  325. orthogonality
  326. p versus np problem
  327. packing
  328. pappus’s theorem
  329. parabola
  330. parabolic equation
  331. paraboloid
  332. parallel postulate
  333. parallelogram
  334. parameter
  335. variation of parameters
  336. parametric equation
  337. partial derivative
  338. partial differential equation
  339. partition
  340. pascal’s triangle
  341. pattern recognition
  342. peano axioms
  343. pearson distribution
  344. pearson’s correlation coefficient
  345. pencil
  346. percentage
  347. percentile
  348. perfect number
  349. permutations and combinations
  350. perturbation
  351. philosophy of mathematics
  352. pi
  353. planimeter
  354. plateau problem
  355. platonic solid
  356. poincaré conjecture
  357. point estimation
  358. poisson distribution
  359. polar coordinates
  360. polygon
  361. polyhedron
  362. polynomial
  363. positive-sum game
  364. power of 10
  365. power series
  366. prime
  367. prime number theorem
  368. prisoner’s dilemma
  369. probability and statistics
  370. probability density function
  371. probability theory
  372. product ciphers
  373. product rule
  374. projection
  375. projective geometry
  376. proof
  377. proportionality
  378. propositional function
  379. pseudoprime
  380. psychologism
  381. pythagorean theorem
  382. quadratic equation
  383. quadrature
  384. quaternion
  385. quipu
  386. quotient rule
  387. random number generation
  388. random variable
  389. random walk
  390. ratio
  391. rational number
  392. rational numbers
  393. rational root theorem
  394. real number
  395. regression
  396. regression to the mean
  397. rhombus
  398. rhumb line
  399. riemann hypothesis
  400. riemann zeta function
  401. riemannian geometry
  402. ring
  403. rolle’s theorem
  404. roman numeral
  405. root
  406. sampling
  407. sampling error
  408. sator square
  409. scalar
  410. secant
  411. separation of variables
  412. sequential estimation
  413. set
  414. set theory
  415. side-angle-side theorem
  416. significant figures
  417. simplex method
  418. simpson’s paradox
  419. sine
  420. singular solution
  421. singularity
  422. slide rule
  423. slope
  424. sorting algorithm
  425. special function
  426. sphere
  427. spherical coordinate system
  428. spiral
  429. square
  430. square root
  431. stability
  432. standard deviation
  433. standard error of measurement
  434. statistical quality control
  435. statistical significance
  436. statistics
  437. stirling’s formula
  438. stochastic process
  439. student’s t-test
  440. sturm-liouville problem
  441. surface
  442. surface integral
  443. surjection
  444. survivorship bias
  445. synthetic division
  446. system of equations
  447. tangent
  448. tangent of a curve
  449. taylor series
  450. teaching the elements
  451. tensor analysis
  452. theorem
  453. time complexity
  454. topological space
  455. topology
  456. transcendental function
  457. transcendental number
  458. transfinite number
  459. traveling salesman problem
  460. triangle
  461. triangle inequality
  462. trigonometric function
  463. trigonometry
  464. trigonometry table
  465. twin prime conjecture
  466. types, theory of
  467. uniform convergence
  468. uniform distribution
  469. variable
  470. variable of interest
  471. variance
  472. vector
  473. vector analysis
  474. vector operations
  475. vector space
  476. venn diagram
  477. vinogradov’s theorem
  478. von neumann–morgenstern utility function
  479. waring’s problem
  480. wilson’s theorem
  481. zeta function
  482. zipf’s law
  483. zorn’s lemma