Mathematics: Glossary
- aleph-null
- algebra
- algebraic equation
- algebraic geometry
- algebraic number
- algebraic surface
- algebraic topology
- algorithm
- analysis of algorithms
- amicable numbers
- analysis
- analysis
- analytic geometry
- anova
- argand diagram
- arithmetic
- arithmetic function
- associative law
- asymptote
- automata theory
- automorphism
- axiom
- axiom of choice
- bartlett’s test
- base
- bayes’s theorem
- bayesian analysis
- beal’s conjecture
- bessel function
- binary number system
- binomial coefficients
- binomial distribution
- binomial theorem
- birch and swinnerton-dyer conjecture
- boolean algebra
- boundary value
- brachistochrone
- brouwer’s fixed point theorem
- burnside problem
- calculus
- calculus of variations
- cantor’s theorem
- cartesian coordinates
- catastrophe theory
- catenary
- cauchy distribution
- central limit theorem
- centroid
- ceva’s theorem
- chain rule
- chaos theory
- chebyshev’s inequality
- chi-squared test
- chinese remainder theorem
- church’s thesis
- circle
- clairaut’s equation
- cliometrics
- cluster analysis
- coefficient of determination
- collinearity
- color wheel
- combinatorics
- commutative law
- compactness
- complex number
- complex variable
- computational complexity
- conditional probability
- cone
- confidence interval
- conformal map
- congruence
- conic section
- connectedness
- connective
- constant
- continued fraction
- continuity
- continuum hypothesis
- control theory
- convergence
- coordinate system
- correlation
- cosecant
- cosine
- cotangent
- covariance
- cramer’s rule
- cross product
- cross ratio
- cryptarithm
- cryptography
- cryptology
- cube
- curvature
- curve
- cybernetics
- cycloid
- cylinder
- darboux’s theorem
- decimal system
- decision theory
- dedekind cut
- derivative
- desargues’s theorem
- descartes’s rule of signs
- determinant
- difference engine
- difference equation
- differential
- differential calculus
- differential equation
- differential geometry
- differential operator
- differentiation
- differentiator
- dimension
- diophantine equation
- direction field
- dirichlet problem
- dirichlet’s test
- dirichlet’s theorem
- discriminant
- distance formula
- distribution function
- distributive law
- divergence
- duality
- e
- eigenvalue
- elementary algebra
- elements
- ellipse
- ellipsoid
- elliptic equation
- envelope
- equation
- error
- estimation
- euclidean algorithm
- euclidean distance
- euclidean geometry
- euclidean space
- euler characteristic
- euler’s formula
- exact equation
- method of exhaustion
- expected utility
- expected value
- experimental unit
- exponential function
- extremum
- factor
- factorial
- fermat prime
- fermat’s theorem
- fibonacci sequence
- fixed-point theorem
- fluxion
- formalism
- foundations of mathematics
- four-colour map problem
- fourier series
- fourier transform
- fractal
- fraction
- degree of freedom
- function
- functional analysis
- fundamental theorem of algebra
- fundamental theorem of arithmetic
- fundamental theorem of calculus
- game theory
- gamma distribution
- gamma function
- gauss elimination
- geometric distribution
- geometric series
- geometry
- goldbach conjecture
- golden ratio
- gradient
- graph
- graph theory
- group
- group theory
- hamiltonian function
- harmonic analysis
- harmonic construction
- harmonic function
- harmonic sequence
- hausdorff space
- heron’s formula
- hexagon
- hilbert space
- hindu-arabic numerals
- histogram
- hodge conjecture
- homeomorphism
- homology
- homomorphism
- homotopy
- hyperbola
- hyperbolic functions
- hyperbolic geometry
- hyperboloid
- hypergeometric distribution
- hypothesis testing
- ideal
- imaginary number
- incentive compatibility
- incompleteness theorem
- indifference
- inequality
- inference
- infinite series
- infinitesimal
- infinity
- information theory
- injection
- inner product space
- integer
- integral
- integral calculus
- integral equation
- integral transform
- integraph
- integration
- integrator
- interpolation
- interval estimation
- intuitionism
- inverse function
- invertible matrix
- involute
- irrational number
- Islamic Contributions
- Islamic World, 8th-15th Century
- isomorphism
- isoperimetric problem
- jordan curve theorem
- kernel
- klein bottle
- knot theory
- kurtosis
- l’hôpital’s rule
- lagrange’s four-square theorem
- lagrangian function
- laplace transform
- laplace’s equation
- large numbers
- law of cosines
- law of large numbers
- law of sines
- least squares method
- lebesgue integral
- length of a curve
- length, area, and volume
- likelihood
- limit
- line
- line integral
- linear algebra
- linear approximation
- linear equation
- linear programming
- linear regression
- linear transformation
- liouville number
- lissajous figure
- logarithm
- logicism
- logistic regression
- magic square
- manifold
- mapping
- markov process
- mathematical induction
- mathematical model
- mathematical physics
- mathematical platonism
- mathematical programming
- mathematics
- matrix
- maximum
- mean
- mean squared error
- mean-value theorem
- mean, median, and mode
- measure
- measure of association
- measurement scale
- metric space
- millennium problem
- minimum
- möbius strip
- modern algebra
- modular arithmetic
- monte carlo method
- moore’s law
- multinomial distribution
- multinomial theorem
- multiple integral
- nash equilibrium
- natural logarithm
- natural number
- navier-stokes equation
- neumann-bernays-godel axioms
- newton and infinite series
- nomogram
- non-euclidean geometry
- nonlinear programming
- normal distribution
- np-complete problem
- number
- number theory
- numeral system
- numerals and numeral systems
- numerical analysis
- operator
- optimization
- ordinary differential equation
- orthogonal trajectory
- orthogonality
- p versus np problem
- packing
- pappus’s theorem
- parabola
- parabolic equation
- paraboloid
- parallel postulate
- parallelogram
- parameter
- variation of parameters
- parametric equation
- partial derivative
- partial differential equation
- partition
- pascal’s triangle
- pattern recognition
- peano axioms
- pearson distribution
- pearson’s correlation coefficient
- pencil
- percentage
- percentile
- perfect number
- permutations and combinations
- perturbation
- philosophy of mathematics
- pi
- planimeter
- plateau problem
- platonic solid
- poincaré conjecture
- point estimation
- poisson distribution
- polar coordinates
- polygon
- polyhedron
- polynomial
- positive-sum game
- power of 10
- power series
- prime
- prime number theorem
- prisoner’s dilemma
- probability and statistics
- probability density function
- probability theory
- product ciphers
- product rule
- projection
- projective geometry
- proof
- proportionality
- propositional function
- pseudoprime
- psychologism
- pythagorean theorem
- quadratic equation
- quadrature
- quaternion
- quipu
- quotient rule
- random number generation
- random variable
- random walk
- ratio
- rational number
- rational numbers
- rational root theorem
- real number
- regression
- regression to the mean
- rhombus
- rhumb line
- riemann hypothesis
- riemann zeta function
- riemannian geometry
- ring
- rolle’s theorem
- roman numeral
- root
- sampling
- sampling error
- sator square
- scalar
- secant
- separation of variables
- sequential estimation
- set
- set theory
- side-angle-side theorem
- significant figures
- simplex method
- simpson’s paradox
- sine
- singular solution
- singularity
- slide rule
- slope
- sorting algorithm
- special function
- sphere
- spherical coordinate system
- spiral
- square
- square root
- stability
- standard deviation
- standard error of measurement
- statistical quality control
- statistical significance
- statistics
- stirling’s formula
- stochastic process
- student’s t-test
- sturm-liouville problem
- surface
- surface integral
- surjection
- survivorship bias
- synthetic division
- system of equations
- tangent
- tangent of a curve
- taylor series
- teaching the elements
- tensor analysis
- theorem
- time complexity
- topological space
- topology
- transcendental function
- transcendental number
- transfinite number
- traveling salesman problem
- triangle
- triangle inequality
- trigonometric function
- trigonometry
- trigonometry table
- twin prime conjecture
- types, theory of
- uniform convergence
- uniform distribution
- variable
- variable of interest
- variance
- vector
- vector analysis
- vector operations
- vector space
- venn diagram
- vinogradov’s theorem
- von neumann–morgenstern utility function
- waring’s problem
- wilson’s theorem
- zeta function
- zipf’s law
- zorn’s lemma